
We recommend the following organisations:

Favourite Things

We promote products and services that help keep our planet and each other healthy.

  • Most of our clients who visit us for health problems are found to have nutritional deficiencies. we recommend and are independent distributors for Forever Living products. These health supplements are organic, nutritionally dense and quickly correct any inadequacies in the diet. Forever Living is a 35 year old company which relies on its integrity and quality. Talk to us about business opportunities with this company. You may browse and order their products here.
  • Stay positive with Totally Unique Thoughts. Tut sends you personalised messages every day to remind you that life is on your side! It's a real tonic. "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!"
  • We love these electric bicycles. Save money, reduce air pollution and fuel consumption while improving your health. New technology allows the battery and bike to be super-light in the Rothar Glas 4. The bike folds in half so you can pick it up easily, no problem! Just imagine, no parking fees, no traffic jams. Add a rain shield and you'll be flying. What a great invention.

European Coaching Institute

acumen : keen insight; shrewdness, accuracy.
origin : [Latin acumen, from acuere, to sharpen].